We meet every Tuesday from 6:30-8:30 PM for worship off campus. We also offer various discipleship groups throughout the week for our college students and young professionals. Reach out to Josh Wilks at jvwilks@valleydale.org for more information.

Our College & Young Adult Life Group meets on Sundays at 12:15 PM in the Glass Room. Lunch will be served free of charge!

Our Young Professionals Life Group meets on Sundays at 9:15 AM in Room 211 (former Counseling Suite).


Prayer Prompts


  • that God will continue to advance the gospel through our young adults

  • that God will raise up other adults to serve and/or disciple young adults

  • that God will provide a teacher to begin a new Life Group for young adults (outgrowing one life group)

  • that God will provide jobs for many who are seeking to glorify God in the workplace